Welcome back to Swatch Saturday! Today I’m sharing with you a Blue-Eyed Girl Lacquer prototype. I said last week that I’m getting back into the Doctor Who collection, and while this is true, I’m just wearing things in the order that I bought and received them, so the order is going to be a little mixed up. This prototype was purchased during an annual BEGL depression awareness fundraiser. This is Prototype DW 13.4; I’m wearing three coats with one coat of Seche Vite top coat.
Prototype DW 13.4 is a white creme with a pink-to-gold shifting shimmer. Application was good; it’s sometimes hard to get complete coverage with a white creme until the third coat, and this one was no exception. I had streaks and bald spots until the very last coat I applied. Also, the white was a bit thick and completely overpowered the shimmer. You can see the shimmer in the bottle, but it gets completely covered up by the creme, making it look like a plain white creme. On the plus side, it dries quickly and has a really nice glossy finish.
So I like this polish, even though it didn’t really work as intended; I guess this is why it didn’t make it past the prototype stage. This has actually happened to me before with other white cremes with shimmer, indie and mass-market polishes alike. It’s always a shame, but it’s not like a white creme isn’t a good thing to have on hand. Get it, on hand, because nails. This polish will still get lots of love from me.
I took a couple of photos outside in direct sun; the shimmer was really strong in the bottle in the sun, so I thought that if it was going to show up on my nails, this would be the time. It didn’t.
There is only one bottle of DW 13.4 out there and I have it. Other BEGL polishes are available from their online shop.